Passenger Car
The heat generated when moving a car is enough to destroy the car itself. So the car has a cooling system that protects it from damage and keeps the engine in the right temperature range. The car radiator is the main component of the car cooling system, to protect the engine from overheating caused by damage. The principle of the radiator is to use cold air to lower the temperature of the coolant in the radiator from the engine.
Product Details
The heat generated when moving a car is enough to destroy the car itself. So the car has a cooling system that protects it from damage and keeps the engine in the right temperature range. The car radiator is the main component of the car cooling system, to protect the engine from overheating caused by damage. The principle of the radiator is to use cold air to lower the temperature of the coolant in the radiator from the engine. The radiator has two main components, consisting of a small flat tube and a wavy tri-band radiator core, and two ends of the water tank to prevent coolant overflow (on the upper, bottom or sides of the radiator sheet). According to the structural form of the radiator core, the radiator can be divided into tube-fin and plate-fin. There are two main types of passenger car radiators: aluminum and copper, the former for general passenger cars, the latter for large commercial vehicles. But because the automobile radiator material and manufacturing technology develops very fast. As well as aluminum radiator in its material lightweight and price on the obvious advantage, aluminum radiator gradually replace copper radiator. In the radiator structure, compared with the tube and strip radiator, the heat dissipation area of the tube and strip radiator can be increased by about 12% under the same conditions. In addition, the heat dissipation belt is opened with a hole similar to the louvers of the disturbance air flow, in order to destroy the attachment layer of the flowing air on the surface of the scattered tropics, and improve the heat dissipation capacity. The tube and belt radiator has become the main heat dissipation mode of passenger car radiator.
Soradiator Group manufactures automotive radiators with high quality raw materials. Soradiator usually uses thicker material than the ordinary standard thickness of the heat pipe and heat belt, while using the most advanced welder process, so that the radiator can withstand higher pressure, but also can withstand the temperature caused by the larger stress changes. Even if the car engine overruns, produces a lot of heat, the coolant temperature is too high, the radiator made by Soradiator can also well meet the heat dissipation needs, protect your car engine.
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